Place name and mapping links

🔗Please link cautiously. I include links, below, to content that I may use for information, but this does not mean that I endorse or agree with the content presented, or that I have vetted every source for topics or content that may cause trauma to some readers.
Place name and map links
- BC Assembly of First Nations' "First Nations in BC" interactive map: a quick-loading, well-designed interface with Territory, Treaty, and Nation information, and links to Nation websites.
- BC Geographical Names map: the BC Geographical Names Office's place-name database, or gazetteer, of all "officially" recognized place names.
- "Native Land," which is now working with the developers of the fantastic "Whose Land" app.
- Colonial Despatches map collection: "200 maps of the B.C. area dating from the colonial period and before." Some of the historical maps and content presented on this site may contain racist and potentially traumatizing colonial terminology and language.
- Ditidaht Places: a fantastic project "created for the purpose of education and reflects the learning of students at Ditidaht Community School." Using Open Street Maps, "It builds on the efforts of Ditidaht Elders and Knowledge Holders who have shared and recorded their knowledge over many generations."
- "First Nations of BC," map by BC Studies journal.
- "First Nation Profiles Interactive Map," by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.
- "First Peoples' Map of BC," by the First Peoples' Cultural Council. Highly recommended.
- "Interactive Map," by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, shows "residential schools, events, and/or hearings" on a digital map of Canada.
- "Musqueam Place Names Map," produced by the Musqueam Indian Band [sic].
- "Stories from the Land: Indigenous Place Names in Canada," a Government of Canada map-based project that claims the following: "Over time, as additional Indigenous place names are adopted across Canada, this map will be updated to show the changes."
- David Rumsey Map Collection: a largesse of historical and international maps. Some of the historical maps and content presented on this site may contain racist and potentially traumatizing colonial terminology and language.